
Adult Class (15 and up)

Dojo 22A Cataract Ave, Dover

We combine a great workout with flexibility training and our Shaolin Kenpo Karate curriculum. This class has all rank levels allowing newer students to learn from their peers as well


Junior Class (7-14)

Dojo 22A Cataract Ave, Dover

Our Junior class is perfect for students looking to dive into the martial arts, whether they have never trained before or have taken classes elsewhere. We keep the tempo high

Featured Featured Recurring

Wushu Seminar

Dojo 22A Cataract Ave, Dover

This seminar will be held in two parts. Part one will be covering Di Yi Lu Nanquan, the introductory form to Nanquan, showing the low stance work and strong hand

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Junior Test

Dojo 22A Cataract Ave, Dover

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the test in full uniform (gi top with patch and pants). All testing fees should be paid prior to testing or